Rider Mileage Awards
A lifetime award accruing rider miles to count on any number of equines. Miles are recorded automatically from ride results
Chevron patches are awarded for every
- 250 miles of Competitive Trail
- 250 miles of Limited Distance
- 500 Miles of Endurance
1000 Mile Equine Award
Nominating for this award accumulates the miles of an equine starting at the date of nomination and continues with any UMECRA member rider and any change of ownership. Competitive, Endurance, and Limited Distance & Driving all count together
An award is given for the first 1000 miles and plates to add to the plaque are given at each 1000 miles thereafter
To qualify
- Complete the nomination form and send the the UMECRA points keeper Ajdavis.aussies@gmail.com
- Nomination can occur at any time throughout the year
- There is a one-time $20 fee to nominate (to add retroactive years of milages, an additional $15/year)
- See the 1000 mile horse history for more information
100 Mile Equine Award
Annual award based on completion of one-day, 100 mile event(s) by an equine/rider team. The rider does not need to own the equine. No points or placings are considered
Plaque and medallion awarded for the first 100 mile event completion. Medallions awarded for each multiple of three events completed (ie 3,6,9...)
To qualify
- Nomination can occur at any time throughout the year by the equine owner
- There is a one-time $50 fee to nominate
Scholarship Fund
Scholarships to college, university or tech school may be available to those who have been members for a minimum of two years and have completed at least 25 rides.
High Point Elite 8 Awards
Points are accumulated as a horse and rider team. This award is given to the top eight teams in each Endurance, Limited Distance and Competitive Trail. Team
To qualify
- There is no need to nominate
- Equine/Rider team must accumulate a minimum total of:
- 200 miles in Endurance
- 150 miles in Competitive Trail
- 150 miles in Limited Distance
- Junior minimum mileage shall be calculated at 50% of senior minimum mileage.
Restricted Mileage High Point
Points are accumulated as a horse and rider team. This annual award is given to the top five teams in Endurance and Competitive Trail. Points are accumulated as an equine/rider team
To qualify
- There is no need to nominate
- For Endurance teams must have:
- 295 or fewer endurance miles with a minimum of 150 miles
- For Limited Distance teams must have:
- 195 or fewer limited distance miles, with a minimum of 100 miles
- For Competitive Trail teams must have:
- 195 or fewer competitive miles, with a minimum of 100 miles
- Special Notes:
- A horse-rider team may not place in both Elite 8 and restricted mileage high point divisions. No one can place in the same division in more than one weight division.
Competitive Novice Top 5 - Donated by Purina

Points are accumulated as a horse and rider team. This award is given to the top 5 teams in the Competitive Novice division who accumulate the most points. Rider must have completed a minimum of 40 miles total in the Competitive Novice Division with the exception that ONE of those rides can be a 25-30 mile Competitive Trail Ride. Award sponsored by Purina
To qualify
- Riders must have completed a minimum of 40 miles total in the Competitive Novice division, with the exception that ONE of those rides can be a 25-30 mile Competitive Trail ride.
Competitive Drive Top 5
The Top Five (5) drivers, singles or pairs, shall be recognized. Drivers must successfully complete a minimum of five drives to be eligible for an award.
Charles Phillips Memorial Versatility Award - Donated by GLDRA
Points are accumulated as a horse/rider team. This award is given to the team that accumulates the most points by riding at least two competitions in each UMECRA division, Endurance, Limited Distance and Competitive Trail. Points are based on finishing place and not by mileage ridden using the scale on the form.
Riders need to nominate their team by sending their nomination form to the UMECRA points keeper. There is no fee to nominate.
Rookie Endurance or Competitive
Points are accumulated as a horse/rider team. A rider may ride multiple horses in each division, however points are only earned for each horse/rider team. This annual award is given to the top five "Rookie" teams in Endurance and/or Competitive Trail, senior division only (no juniors).
Points are calculated in the Rookie division using the standard UMECRA points chart however, a Rookie only competes against other nominated Rookies. Example: It's possible to finish 6th place overall and 1st in the Rookie division.
To qualify
- For Endurance Teams
- Riders may have not yet competed in more than 2 AERC sanctioned Endurance competitions prior to the year of nomination
- Accumulate a minimum of 40 points
- For Competitive Trail Teams
- Riders may have not yet competed in more than 2 UMECRA sanctioned Competitive Trail competitions prior to the year of nomination
- Accumulate a minimum of 20 points
UMECRA Senior Equine Award - Donated by Sharon Hahn
This award honors the equine 20 years of age and older that accrues the highest number of UMECRA points + UMECRA miles during the season. The equine may compete in multiple divisions (endurance, limited distance, competitive, novice, driving) and with any number of riders. The equine must complete at least 4 rides to be eligible. Owners need to nominate their horse by sending their nomination form to the points keeper (Ajdavis.aussies@gmail.com) accompanied by proof of age (registration papers or vet letter or other evidence for unregistered animals). There is no fee to nominate.
To qualify
- Complete the Senior Equine Nomination Form and send it to the appropriate party as indicated on the form
Vi Bredl Memorial High Point Senior Rider
This award is give to the riders who have compiled the highest number of points on any number of horses and accumulated for all divisions. It is given to both a Senior and Junior rider
High Point Junior Rider - Donated by DRAW
This annual award is given to one Junior rider who has compiled the highest number of points on any number of horses and accumulated for all divisons.
Jan Scott High Point Family Award - Donated by the Dale Scott Family & the Mowrer Family
A family as defined for the Jan Scott Family Award shall consist of parent(s), step parent, or legal guardian (not to exceed two adults) and all dependent children 18 years old or younger. The family must be a member of UMECRA. Endurance and Competitive points shall be awarded on only one horse and rider combination for each member of the family. Participants are required to register with the Points Keeper listing the names of all family members before points will be counted. All members of the family who participate will be listed. There is no fee to nominate. Nominations for the family award must be submitted before the beginning of the last scheduled ride of the season by mailing or emailing this form
Louise Riedel Memorial Top Ten Horse Mileage Award

This award is given to the ten horses accumulating most mileage in Endurance and Competitive Trail, or a combination thereof and can be accumulated with any number of riders.
UMECRA Riders Choice Award
Originating in 1981 this award is presented annually at the UMECRA Convention & Awards Banquet following a vote from those members that are present at the convention.
The guidelines to be considered when nominating and voting for a horse for this honor are:
- A horse that has shown superior ability in its divison
- A horse that has been a consistent competitor
- A horse that has shown its ability to overcome setbacks
- Any horse, for any reasons the nominator admires and feels is a superior representative of the "Distance Horse"
- There will be an announcement in the newsletter prior to the convention asking for nominations. At that time you can send your nomination for a horse you feel qualifies. Please direct questions to the UMECRA Board of Directors
Outstanding Service Award
Sponsored by AHDRA and awarded to the individual who has shown outstanding service to the club and the sport of Distance Riding on a continual basis. The recipient is chosen by the executive board of AHDRA and is not announced until the annual UMECRA awards banquet. Nominations for the award can be directed to the AHDRA president and are usually due by December 1. For additional information on submission deadlines and details please see the AHDRA website
Outstanding Mentor Award
Sponsored by AHDRA and awarded to the individual who has been an outstanding mentor, helping others learn about the sport of distance riding. The recipient is chosen by the executive board of AHDRA and will be announced at the UMECRA awards banquet. To nominate a mentor, the person(s) who benefited from the mentors support should send a letter to the AHDRA President no later than December 1st highlighting the reasons for the nomination. For additional information on submission deadlines and details please see the AHDRA website
Dr Beecher Shining Light Award
This award was developed in 2013 to honor an outstanding individual who has provided tireless service to the UMECRA organization through managing of ride(s) and/or acting as a veterinarian. Nominated individuals should possess some of the following characteristics: being organized, helpful, honest, supportive, a sense of fairness, knowledge of the sport, consistency, able to educate and mentors others, able to delegate and able to deal with crisis situations
- 2013 - Marnee Gamm
- 2014 - Dianne Schmidt
- 2017 - Jill Feller
- 2018 - Rae Birr
- 2019 - Lori Windows
- 2023 - Sarah Maass